ECUST Achieve Macroscopic Preparation of Two-dimensional Transition Metal Telluride Nanosheets 

Recently, Nature, a world-renowned top academic journal, published a research paper entitled “Metal telluride nanosheets by scalable solid lithiation and exfoliation” online, reporting the latest breakthrough in macro-preparation of two-dimensional materials. The paper is first-authored by Dr. Zhang Liangzhu, a specially appointed associate researcher in the School of Materials Science and Engineering and co-authored by researcher Wu Zhongshuai from Dalian Institute of Chemistry, Academician Cheng Huiming from Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shenzhen University of Technology (to be established), and Associate Professor Kang Ning from Peking University Institute of Electronics.

The research has received strong support from the School of Materials, ECUST and Professor Zeng Huidan from Shanghai Institute of Electronic Chemicals Innovation, and has also been funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China’s Outstanding Youth Science Fund and Basic Science Center Project, National Key R&D Program Project, Postdoctoral Introduction Project, Postdoctoral Fund, Liaoning Natural Science Fund and Shanghai Pujiang Scholar Project.


East China University Of Science And Technology Shanghai, China Meilong Road 130, 200237